You are using a browser that doesn't conform to current World Wide
Web standards (or, you have CSS or JavaScript disabled.) makes use of standard XHTML and
Cascading Style Sheets. The content of this site is available to you in its entirety,
but some of the formatting and special features may not be. Please check out the
Web Standards Project
for additional information, including links to standards-compliant browsers.
This note will only appear on the main
page and on the About page. A brief note will appear at
the bottom of other pages.
-- Dennis
About - web site credits and navigation tips
Finding Your Way Around | |
I have some background in user interface design, so I hope you find the site easy to navigate. I've tried to be consistent, and I've included some subtle hints that, assuming they work in your browser, should give you some feedback about what might happen when you click on a link. These cues are what depend the most on CSS and JavaScript. Main site navigation menuAt the top of the page, to the right, you will find the main navigation menus. There will be 2 rows, assuming your browser is honoring the style sheets correctly and you have the window at least "page" wide – 500 pixels or so. The top row, which looks like this: placeholder shows you the "path" from the top of the site down to the current page, and each segment (between the > signs) navigates "up" in the site to the level you'd click on. The second row, which should look something like this: placeholder shows you the links available to other pages on the site, usually at the same level as the current page. You can always get to the root of the website by clicking on the Falling Rock Central logo in the upper left. Other linksLinks elsewhere on the page could jump, well, anywhere – but they will give you a little hint. Links should appear with a dotted underline. If a link will take you to another page of this website, it will be highlighted pale blue when you move the mouse over the link. If the link will take you to a different site, then that link will be highlighted pale red when you move the mouse over it. Links to different sites will open in a new window. Longer pages may have "back to top" links in the lower-right-hand corner of their dividing boxes. Just like this one: |
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About This Site | |
This is the third major update to my web site, using a design I conceived in early 2003. I revamped it this time around to get rid of frames in the previous design, and to free up some space that was being used by the huge number of construction photos of my house. Besides, the old design was getting boring. To get rid of framing once and for all, I finally switched to a hosting provider using Apache's virtual server features, which also allows me more room to play in. I'm using PowWeb Hosting, which has what I thought was a great hosting deal. If you should sign on with them yourself, I wouldn't complain if you named me as your referral. Technologies I'm UsingIn addition to "classic" HTML, this site makes extensive use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and, on a lesser scale, JavaScript [ECMAScript]. I'm also beginning to experiment with PHP and MySQL to for the parts of the site that I expect to be a little more dynamic. I've tested the site with the latest versions of Safari (my preferred browser, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer on Windows. Odds are pretty good that, if you're using a modern browser, things should render correctly, but on older browsers things shouldn't get too ugly. This site is made on a Mac. I hand-roll most of the pages, using BBEdit, by Bare Bones Software, for most of my editing. What images I have are done in a collection of applications, including Adobe Photoshop, Lemke Software's GraphicConverter, and a few one-offs I rolled myself. |
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All content copyright ©1995 - 2003, Dennis J. Wilkinson II, except where noted. Problems? Contact me at |